Chocolate Socrates

  • Подписчики: 16 подписчиков
  • ID: 105060635
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Chocolate Socrates is the philosopher of the generations to come and have yet to come. On matters of fairness, he questions all things objectively. He is impartial in his base judgement of supposing one thought over another. There exist no opinion in him, merely criticism of any and all positions. On matters of understanding, he is understood in the condition of man; He knows how society is structured, and how identity can be shaped within such societies. On matters of humanity, he knows how to extend his hands in mercy, and comfort spirits with his compassion. Chocolate Socrates is the extension of a man that knows nothing. And while knowing nothing, Chocolate Socrates contemplates a life for others in which one accepts that one knows nothing, and in knowing nothing, realizes that in life, the only way to live is to neither think you know how to live nor think anyone else knows how to live; and simply be. (c)Chocolate Socrates: A Philosophical Blog, seeks to make philosophy the forefront of every conversation. If people create meaning in life, Chocolate Socrates demands that such meaning should be discussed before all other matters that weigh on the thoughts of any individual. Accordingly, Chocolate Socrates believes that meaning is what defines reality. As a result, Chocolate Socrates believes that every person in the world is a philosopher who has defined for themselves how to live within the context of their world. Furthermore within the context of the world, Chocolate Socrates believes that assigning meaning is what allows people to define the kind of person they are or choose to become within the context of their world. In doing so, Chocolate Socrates provides a platform that re-defines philosophy as a thing to love and revere by providing a way for people to meditate upon their own philosophies- in conversation, by discussing the meanings any other person possesses in life that allows them to live the life they choose to live. This is to say that we each live our lives differently, we each have: our own stories, own opinions, and own perspectives. There is no one way to see things, or to do things. Therefore Chocolate Socrates believes that the only certain way to live, is to possess the ignorance of knowing that there is a particular way to live to begin with, and be willing to challenge whether one is living well each day. And ultimately know thyself. Chocolate Socrates believes that the examined life is to be revisited constantly, in conversation and dialogue. Discussing what is meaningful should challenge, who we think we are, who we really are, and who we want to be.