Amy Schmidt (indie folk, USA)

  • Подписчики: 19 подписчиков
  • ID: 126173621
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Впервые в Украине! Amy Schmidt в рамках своего европейского тура посетит нас. Это хрупкий indie-folk родом из города Линкольн, что в штате Небраска, который сочетает в себе философские тексты с меланхолическими гитарными гармониями. Последний альбом Amy записанный в Исландии напоминает песни перелетных птиц которые спешат успеть домой до начала холодов. Press releases “She is a woman with something to say and the musical chops to say it in a compelling way. Her new album, "Restless Things," is a prime example of what someone can do when they take a little conviction and a little heart and press it into a 4.7-inch plastic disc.” Daily Nebraskan “Amy Schmidt from Lincoln, Nebraska opened the show with a set of original tunes and she used a quite, graceful charm to win over the Sunday night crowd. Schmidt never asserted herself vocally or on her acoustic guitar. Instead, she let her music take its time and it grew on people.” Bill Copeland Music News “Every once in a while though, another artist comes along that actually has something to say. The kind of artists who sings songs because they mean them, not because they want a piece of the music-scene pie. Amy Schmidt is one of these artists.” Casey Welsh - Daily Nebraskan “Her music is like the great terrain of the Nebraska countryside she hails from, beautiful, expansive, and pristine.” Bill Copeland - Bill Copeland Music News